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About Lesley


I started at Pavilion in September 2018, and what a great time to join Pavilion! I am excited to be a part of the team as we began a new journey together with the ‘Curiosity Approach’.

Originally from Yorkshire, I qualified in 1983 and worked in a Bradford reception class, supporting children with English as an additional language. In Liverpool, around having my own children, I have worked in nurseries, primary schools, parent and toddler groups, child minding and holiday clubs.

I find Pavilion to be a warm and nurturing, happy place. I have been impressed by the creative areas around preschool that provide open invitations to come and play and explore. I value the uniqueness of each child and the importance of listening and talking with each of them. It builds confidence as we communicate that what they say really matters. You’ll be amazed what you can learn from a great conversation with a three year old!

I am a keen gardener and enjoy sharing my enjoyment of nature and outdoors with children. I enjoying cooking/ baking, arts & crafts, stories, rhymes and song. I enjoy celebrating their achievements from the smallest to the greatest successes and I can say with confidence my colleagues at Pavilion all feel the same!

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